Course infomation
  • Program Studi:
    S3 Teknologi Pendidikan
  • Location:
    Gedung CPD Kampus Lidah Wetan

Reviewing various basic concepts of learning system design, learning system models, and steps for developing learning system designs as well as the practice of compiling learning system design development models in the form of syllabus and lesson plans as the implementation of a competency-based curriculum at the level of certain educational units (schools and outside of school/training).

  • 1.Abdul Majid .2006.Perencanaan Pembelajaran: Mengembangkan Standar Kompetensi Guru.Bandung: PT Remja Roesdakarya
  • 2.Atwi Suparman .2012.Desain Instruksional Modern: Panduan Para Pengajar & Inovator Pendidikan.Jakarta: Erlangga
  • 3.Carey, W. Dick, and Carey, L & Carey, J.O.2009.The Systematic Design of Instruction.New Jersey: Pearson
  • 4.Lamijan Hadi Susarno.2016.Desain Sistem Pembelajaran. Surabaya: CV
  • 5.Masnur Muslich .2008.KTSP: Dasar Pemahaman Dan Pengembangan. Pedoman Bagi Pengelola Lembaga Pendidikan, Pengawas Sekolah, Kepala Sekolah, Komite Sekolah, Dewan Sekolah, dan Guru
  • 6.Morrison. Gary R., Ross, Steven M., Kemp, Jerrold E.2001.Designing Efective Instruction.Third Edition

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