Educational Technology
Universitas Negeri Surabaya


  • Produce quality graduates in the field of Educational Technology.
  • Produce quality research in the field of Educational Technology to participate in answering issues in society, especially learning media.
  • Produce quality Community Service in the field of Educational Technology to participate in solving problems in society, especially learning media.
  • Have partnerships in the fields of education, research, and community service with stakeholders (relevant institutions) both at national and international levels.
  • Produce effective, efficient performance by creating a humanist academic climate, transparent, accountable, responsive, and fair institutional management to ensure the quality of the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education in a sustainable manner.

  • Produce middle education technologists who are able to study theory and practice in the field of educational technology in the context of learning innovation.
  • Produce middle education technologists who are able to research and develop theories, models, concepts, and principles of learning that are in accordance with the context of Indonesian cultural characteristics.
  • To produce middle education technologists who are able to apply the results of theoretical and practical studies in the field of educational technology in the management of education, training and learning resources.
  • Established cooperation with state agencies, domestic and foreign private sector in the context of the development of educational technology.
  • The realization of a quality assurance system in the management of education, research, community service and cooperation in accordance with national education standards.

  • To produce professional and skilled doctorates as the main educational technology, educational researchers and developers, and educational analysts who have the following attributes/characteristics:
    • Able to develop theory and practice to facilitate and improve performance through the creation, use, and management of appropriate processes and resources.
    • Able to work independently and/or collaboratively at S1 and S2 levels, at various types and levels of education both as educators, education managers, managers of learning resource centers, developers and assessors of learning processes and resources in educational and/or training institutions.
    • Able to generate new principles and/or theories in the field of educational technology
    • Able to explore, evaluate, synthesize, and apply research methods to improve learning and improve performance through research and development in education
    • Able to design, develop, implement and evaluate learning environments to facilitate processes and learning resources that support to conduct multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary analysis in a metacognitive and collaborative way.
    • Able to make a real contribution to society in the field of education
  • Realizing mutually beneficial cooperation networks with various agencies for the achievement of educational and/or training goals
  • Realizing a quality assurance system for the management of education, research, community service, and cooperation in accordance with national education standards

Statistik Mahasiswa

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Berita Jurusan


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Mahasiswa Teknologi Pendidikan Raih Juara 2 Lomba Lensa Edukasi Tingkat Nasional

SURABAYA – Kembali torehkan prestasi, mahasiswa Program Studi (Prodi) Teknologi Pendidikan (TP) berhasil membawa pulang penghargaan juara 2 pada 09

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UNESA Educational Technology Students Guide PGRI 1 Buduran Sidoarjo Middle School Students in Using the Wayang Wong Game "Metasekerta"

Lima mahasiswa dari Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) berhasil memberikan pengalaman edukatif yang berbeda kepada siswa-siswa SMP PGRI 1 Buduran Sidoarjo

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UNESA FIP Educational Technology Study Program Holds Community Service for High School and Vocational School Teachers in Malang Regency

Surabaya - Rabu, 22 Mei 2024, Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) menggelar

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National Seminar and RAKORNAS IMATEPSI VIII Encourage Revitalization of the Educational Technology Study Program Curriculum

Surabaya - Pada hari Minggu, 19 Mei 2024, Ikatan Mahasiswa Teknologi Pendidikan Se-Indonesia (IMATEPSI) menyelenggarakan Seminar Nasional dan Rapat Koordinasi

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National Seminar "Technopreneurship: From Idea to Impact" Commemorating Education Month

Surabaya - Untuk memperingati Bulan Pendidikan yang berlangsung pada bulan ini, Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) Universitas

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Another National Achievement achieved by the UNESA FIP Educational Technology Study Program Goes Further by Passing the PKKM Program at the Ministry, 8 Maret 2024 – Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Surabaya (TP FIP UNESA) kembali meraih prestasi gemilang.

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Educational Technology Undergraduate Study Program Creates Edutechnopreneurship in Curriculum Development Workshop

Workshop pengembangan kurikulum diselenggarakan tanggal 29 Februari-2 Maret 2024 dengan diikuti oleh ketua 65 ketua Program Studi S1, S2, dan

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UNESA FIP Educational Technology Study Program Holds Guest Lecturer: Exploring Digital Technology and Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Higher Education

Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan FIP UNESA kembali menghadirkan inovasi dengan menyelenggarakan guest lecturer yang membahas peran teknologi digital dan kecerdasan

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UNESA FIP Educational Technology Study Program Holds a "Visiting Lecturer" with resource persons from Italy

Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Surabaya (FIP UNESA) kembali menggelar acara “Visiting Lecturer” pada tanggal 21 Februari

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Educational Technology Students Develop E-Learning in Dayak Ngaju Language in Transmigrant Villages in Central Kalimantan

Langkah inovatif dalam bidang Teknologi Pendidikan hadir di SDN Kantan Muara 5 melalui pengembangan E-Learning Bahasa Dayak Ngaju. Sebuah inisiatif

Berita Fakultas


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ICEI 2022 Restores Education and Expands Capabilities by Go International, SURABAYA- Surabaya State University continues to expand its capacity and capability in going international. Most recently, the “One Step

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“Guest Lecture” Invites Speakers from Overseas, SURABAYA- Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, held a “guest lecture” for 2022 new students collaborating with Korea

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The Dean of FIP Gives Secret Tips for Maximum and Smooth Lectures, SURABAYA- The Faculty of Education looks different from the previous year. Now, students are starting to crowd the department

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FIP Conducts Summer Course with King Mongkut‘s University, SURABAYA- The Faculty of Education continues to be committed to creating quality human resources, possessing innovative skills, and being

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PKM-PM Team, Encouraging Students to Literate School Literacy, SURABAYA- Education plays an important role in creating quality human resources with an adaptive and innovative mindset. These changing

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PKKMB FIP Held Lively and Happy, SURABAYA- PKKMB Faculty of Education on the last day there was happy and enthusiastic laughter on Friday, August 26,

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Introduce Student Organizations To Thousands Of New Students, Surabaya - Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya held a meeting with the chairman and vice chairman of

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PKKMB Second Day of FIP, Superior Character and Environmental Friendly, SURABAYA- The Faculty of Education again held a series of offline PKKMB which took place in four auditorium rooms

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PKKMB First Day of FIP Involves Professors and Education Experts, SURABAYA- The implementation of the first day of introduction to campus life for new students (PKKMB), which is divided

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1370 New Students Join PKKMB FIP UNESA, SURABAYA-1370 new students take part in the introduction of campus life for new students (PKKMB) at the "purple campus"

Berita Unesa


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FIKK Bekali Mahasiswa dengan Strategi Pembuatan dan Pengajuan Proposal PKM 2025

Kasubdit MBKP Unesa, Yetty Septiani memberi beberapa tips agar lolos proposal/dok/ SURABAYA—Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan dan Kesehatan (FIKK)Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa)

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Direktorat Inovasi Pemeringkatan dan Publikasi Ilmiah UNESA Jajaki Marine Science Techno Park atau MSTP Undip

Kunjungan tim UNESA di MSTP SURABAYA—Dalam rangka menguatkan tata kelola kelembagaan, Subdirektorat Pengembangan Inovasi, Direktorat Inovasi Pemeringkatan dan Publikasi

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Makin Berkelas Labschool UNESA Perluas Kesempatan Pertukaran Internasional Bagi Para Siswanya

Menyelam Sambil Minum Air: Sembari Jalani Sister School di Malaysia dan Thailand, Labschool UNESA juga menjalin kerja sama dengan sejumlah

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Puluhan Mahasiswa Western Australia Belajar Seni, Budaya, dan Disabilitas di UNESA Melalui Program WAEJUC 2024

Mahasiswa Australia Barat belajar bermain gamelan di UNESA Kampus 2 Lidah Wetan,, SURABAYA—Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) menyambut kedatangan 28

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UNESA Pamer Inovasi dan Unggulan dalam Gelar Harmoni Nusantara UKSW Salatiga

Wakil Unesa Prof. Dr. Endang Susantini berfoto bersama rektor UKSW dan para wakil Perguruan Tinggi Co-Host.SURABAYA—Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) melalui

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Cara Unik Mahasiswa PKM-PM UNESA Beri Edukasi Anti-Perundungan kepada Anak-anak Kampung Pelangi

Kegiatan edukasi anti-perundungan kepada anak-anak di Kampung SURABAYA—Semakin meresahkannya kasus perundungan di kalangan anak-anak membuat tim PKM-PM Universitas Negeri

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UNESA Gelar Turnamen Petanque Internasional Berhadiah Ratusan Juta

TURNAMEN: Pembukaan International Petanque Turnament Unesa 2024 di lapangan Petanque Unesa, Kampus Lidah Wetan Surabaya, Kamis (4/7/24) SURABAYA– Universitas Negeri

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Joint Working Group Indonesia-Prancis dan Komitmen Bersama Mendukung SDGs

Workshop dan diskusi delegasi JWG di, SURABAYA—Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) menjadi tuan rumah kegiatan 13th Joint Working Group (JWG)

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Kemendikbudristek Gandeng Pusat Literasi LPPM UNESA dalam Program Penguatan Literasi Numerasi

Jajaran pimpinan LPPM UNESA bersama Dirjen PDM Kemendikbudristek, Pemkot Surabaya, dan sejumlah perwakilan perguruan tinggi lain serta para mitra.SURABAYA—Universitas negeri

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Jangan Sampai Lewat UNESA Masih Buka Pendaftaran Jalur Mandiri Sampai 11 Juli 2024 SURABAYA—Peluang masuk perguruan tinggi negeri atau PTN melalui jalur mandiri masih terbuka. Sejumlah kampus seperti Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA)