, SURABAYA- The Faculty of Education continues to be committed to creating quality human resources, possessing innovative skills, and being able to respond to changing educational challenges. This effort was realized through a summer course between the Faculty of Education and King Mongkut‘s University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB). The event was opened through a zoom meeting on Monday, September 5, 2022. Education and Culture Attache of the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok Ir. Achmad Wicaksono, M.Eng., Ph.D in the opening of the summer course said that not everyone has the same opportunity to participate in this cultural exchange activity. "Congratulations to the chosen ones, give the best contribution," he said. The Dean of Industrial Technology Prof. Smith Songpiriyakij, Ph. D said that it was an honor and pride to join the Faculty of Education, UNESA. He hopes that this summer course can raise the dignity of each university. Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Mochamad Nursalim M.Si said that this collaboration is a place to form a strong character, train competencies with an educational perspective that is needed in the current era. “This opportunity must be used as well as possible. Absorb as much knowledge, experience as possible from different cultures. Embed it to become an unlimited learner,” he said. Deputy Dean for Alumni and Student Affairs Heryanto Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd said that this summer course activity was to expand student capacity, and train soft skills through interaction with other countries. Therefore, With this meeting, continued Pak Heri, that is one way to familiarize students with responding to the dynamic changing times. The opening was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Mochamad Nursalim M.Si, Deputy Dean for Alumni and Student Affairs Heryanto Susilo S.Pd., M.Pd, Dean of Industrial Technology Prof. Smith Songpiriyakij, Ph.D, Attache for Education and Culture of the Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok Ir. Achmad Wicaksono, M.Eng., Ph.D. Author : RiskaEditor : Dimas Achmad Wicaksono, M.Eng., Ph.D. Author : RiskaEditor : Dimas Achmad Wicaksono, M.Eng., Ph.D. Author : RiskaEditor : Dimas
FIP Conducts Summer Course with King Mongkut‘s University

05 September 2022