Hello rekk There is good news for all of us Alhamdulillah one of our friends. On behalf of Yuda sakti Susena nb got another achievement in photography, won 1st place in the Photography competition held by HIMAKP UNYYuda said Regarding the photos I made in a photography competition held by the Yogyakarta State University education policy student association on 18 July-25 August 2021 with the theme portrait social education and independence. With the title of the work: When to enter. And with the caption "It‘s been more than 1 year the pandemic has been going on, where schools have been suspended. At first it took place enthusiastically, but when the longing for school became more real it‘s come to a point where children are bored with online learning, miss the blackboard, miss the classroom atmosphere, miss to the teachers, longing for peers, online learning also reduces students‘ interest in learning a lot, where teachers cannot be optimal for teaching and students cannot maximize learning, healthy learning in a healthy environment. Independence where every citizen gets the proper education they want but that freedom is limited by the pandemic conditions. How long will this situation continue? There has been a learning loss in 1 generation, hopefully everything will get better soon. Independence where every citizen gets the proper education they want but that freedom is limited by the pandemic. How long will this situation continue? There has been a learning loss in 1 generation, hopefully everything will get better soon. Independence where every citizen gets the proper education they want but that freedom is limited by the pandemic. How long will this situation continue? There has been a learning loss in 1 generation, hopefully everything will get better soon.
Congratulations on the Achievement Yuda Sakti Susena Won 1st Place in the Photography Competition held by the Yogyakarta State University Education Policy Student Association

26 August 2021