Unesa.ac.id, SIDOARJO-Counseling Guidance Lecturer, Faculty of Education (FIP), State University of Surabaya (UNESA) provides psychoeducational training as a preventive effort in counseling guidance services in junior high schools. This training took place at SMPN 2 Sidoarjo which was attended by around 80 MGBK teachers, on August 30, 2022.
The chief executive, Evi Winingsih, M.Pd., said that the activity was present to answer the complex problems faced by students in this new normal era where there were many new problems that had never been experienced by students before.
Therefore, he continued, it is necessary to increase the competence of Guidance and Counseling teachers in preventing various problems through psychoeducation. "BK teachers have an important role to help answer the problems faced by students. This problem is now more complex, this is a challenge for fellow teachers," he said.
The BK teacher‘s job, he continued, is not only to answer the problems faced by students, but also to have the ability to take preventive measures. "That‘s what we are trying to provide through this training, teachers have the right mitigation and handling efforts in BK services," he added.
This training, said the BK lecturer, involved several qualified lecturers in their fields such as Dr. Najlatun Naqiyah, S.Ag., M.Pd., and Farid Ilhamuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd. This activity involved MGBK SMP in Sidoarjo Regency and was also attended by Yuniar Poerbandini S.Pd., M.Pd. as chairman of MGBK SMP, and MGBK Advisor Sidoarjo Regency Ikromilah Yety Prastuti. S.Psi., M.Pd.
The woman who is familiarly called Evi hopes that with the implementation of the training the BK teachers will have the provision to carry out guidance and counseling services properly, correctly, creatively and effectively so that they can help students answer problems in learning at school and at home. [Humas Unesa]
Author: PKM Team
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: PKM Team Documentation
BK Lecturers Give Psychoeducational Training to Dozens of Teachers in Sidoarjo

16 September 2022