Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-D-4 Student of Vocational Fashion Design Program, State University of Surabaya (UNESA) showcased their work in the 1st Annual Fashion Show of Vocational Fashion Design 2022 at Atrium Ciputra World Mall, Surabaya on Saturday, September 9, 2022. A total of 48 outfits with six themes were featured in the event.
The variety of clothing is the work of 24 young UNESA designers who are divided into six groups or themes, namely patternization, enigmatic, ambiguous, maximalist, lavish, and dominant.
Their work is inspired by many things, including seahorse jellyfish and other marine fauna. The Chief Executive, Vio Aulia said that the activity was aimed at training and honing the creativity of UNESA young designers in producing professional, innovative and competitive works.
“Through this fashion show, we want to show the best works of young UNESA designers to the public. That UNESA has abundant talents, diverse and creative and professional fashion works," he said.
Clothing with a luxurious feel, glamorous but comfortable to use is an advantage that you want to highlight in this fashion show. Those who have displayed their best designs are also entitled to several awards such as Best of the best, Favorite Fashion, Best of Themes, Best Patterns, Best Stitches, and Best Accessories. This was stated by Dra. Urip Wahyuningsih, M.Pd as the head of the D4 Fashion Design Study Program as an appreciation for the hard work and totality of the 7th semester students. “Theory must be able, practice must also be able. Not only can you create, but you also have to be able to sell,” he said to the D4 fashion design students.
In this copyright title also displayed natural dyed batik cloth from the ground. This batik dye was developed by Irma Susanti, a UNESA Fashion Design lecturer. The batik artist said that the batik dye from the soil was based on research since 2013.
"I researched many types of soil that are suitable for batik until Banesa (UNESA Tanah Batik) was created," said the woman who has successfully brought written batik to the world‘s eyes.
This event was attended by UNESA and Vocational leaders, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., said that the UNESA vocational program has become a pilot in Indonesia. This is the only Vocational College that is managed independently.
"Through Vocational Studies, students are prepared to become professional and reliable graduates in their respective fields. Like in the fashion sector, for example, our commitment is to produce young designers who are truly creative and globally competitive," he said.
"Students are encouraged to continue to work, the results are demonstrated, one of which is through events like this. This fashion show is a representation of the independent learning curriculum which includes a number of off-campus activities," he added.
The professor of linguistics at the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) hopes that young UNESA designers will become important players in the fashion world. The works of graduates must color fashion shows at home and abroad. [UNESA PR]
UNESA Young Designers Show Dozens of Clothing Works with Various Themes

14 September 2022