Surabaya, on February 8, 2022, the Faculty of Education (FIP) UNESA held the Inauguration of Student Organization Management (Ormawa) for the 2022 period in a hybrid (online and offline) manner. Functionaries from each ormawa attended the inauguration offline, to be precise in the lobby of the Elementary School Teacher Education Department (PGSD) building. Meanwhile, other ormawa members attended the online inauguration via the zoom meeting platform. The inauguration was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Dr. Mochammad Nursalim M.Si. and Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Alumni, Heryanto Susilo S.Pd., M.Pd. Not to mention the Head of the Education Technology S1 Study Program, Dr. Andi Kristanto, S.Pd, M.Pd, as well as student assistants around FIP were also present at the Inauguration of Ormawa management. The inauguration ceremony was opened at 13.00 WIB by Galuh Miftakhul Nuriani, a student of the Education Technology S1 Study Program as (MC) at the inauguration of the Ormawa Management. Mochammad Nursalim M.Sc., and then the oath was pronounced by all members of the Ormawa board. Then the event was continued with the handover of positions by the board of Ormawa for the period of 2021 to the management of the Ormawa for the period of 2022, led by Dr. Mochammad Nursalim M.Si. and accompanied by Heryanto Susilo S.Pd., M.Pd. From the Education Technology S1 Study Program, the handover of positions was carried out by M. Amin Amanatullah as the Functionary Manager of the Student Association in the 2021 Period to the 2022 Period Management, namely Jundu Mufakhirul Islami. The inauguration ceremony for the FIP Selingkung Ormawa Management, which was carried out in a hybrid manner, went smoothly and finished at 14.30 WIB. Author : Alifiyah, Raniah

09 February 2022