15 September 2022

Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–In commemoration of Library Visit Day which falls on September 14, 2022, the UPT Library of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) launched a Single Sign On (SSO)-based library card system on the 2nd Floor of the Library Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on Wednesday (14/9/2022).
Drs. Suroto, MA, Ph.D., Head of the UNESA Library UPT said that this card innovation can be used by UNESA academics and invited guests to make it more practical and facilitate library visitor data management. "This card is integrated with several reading rooms spread across various faculties and institutions as one door for effective service access," he explained.
In addition to launching these services, his party also expands library facilities and collaborates with various parties, including providers of e-books and scientific journals that can be accessed through any device and connected through the library network.
Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., Chancellor of UNESA during his visit to the ‘reading room‘, explained that the library is the ‘heart‘ of academic activities. There, scientific literature is stored and cared for. It is in the library that academic works, literacy and discussion originate.
Libraries have an important role in building and strengthening the scientific tradition of a campus. For this reason, even reading room services must continue to transform according to the changes and needs of the times. "This is a changing era, advanced technology. Now, the service must be easier and more innovative," he said.
In the past, said Cak Hasan, reading books had to come to the library, but now students, lecturers and staff can access reading anywhere and anytime. "My hope is that with better services, many innovations can increase the productivity of the academic community in producing research, publications and innovations," he concluded.
Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd. Tell me about your visit to the library. According to him, the library at UNESA is good. Complete facilities. Fast service.
“How the service here must pamper and make visitors feel at home. Well, if possible, for example, visitors can bring certain types of food and drinks that do not interfere with other visitors. This needs to be re-examined and can be an innovation in the future,” he said.
In addition to the card launch, the Library UPT read out several inputs and suggestions from university leaders, faculties and institutions. Then read the reading room competition championship which was participated by all faculties, vocational programs, and postgraduates around Unesa.
There are three winners and nine categories. The nine categories include the neatest, newest, most enthusiastic, most disciplined, most detailed, tallest, friendliest, most comfortable, and most communicative. The first winner was won by the FMIPA Library, the second from the FEB Library, and the third from the FBS Library. On that occasion also attended by all vice chancellors and leadership ranks including library staff of all faculties, vocational programs, and postgraduates. [HUMAS UNESA]
Author: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*