, SURABAYA- Surabaya State University continues to expand its capacity and capability in going international. Most recently, the “One Step Ahead” campus held ICEI (International Conference on Education Innovation) online again on Saturday, September 10, 2022. With the theme “inspiring global collaboration for future challenges during a pandemic” the chief executive Wulan Patria Soroinsong S.Psi. ,M.Psi,Ph.D admitted that he was grateful and happy to be able to carry out activities by involving a number of experts to restore education. For him, even though the Covid-19 is not an obstacle to innovating and collaborating to find best practice. "We as the ICEI team are aware that change is necessary in education and ICEI is here to inspire in responding to educational challenges," he said in a zoom meeting. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd in his speech invited all UNESA academics to increase their joint commitment to innovate and collaborate through research, publications through international conferences. ICEI is a forum for researchers and practitioners to seek together and solve common problems from the core of education. From this activity, he hopes to make a real contribution to the development of sustainable education. Director of SEAMEO Secretariat, Dr. Ethel Agnes Pascua Valanzuela strengthened all participants who attended the conference to continue to play an active role in taking part in education, one of which was through ICEI. The existence of ICEI is one of the efforts to inspire education in the world. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is difficult for us to do anything. but it is time for us to be able to transform and make new breakthroughs,” he said at the zoom meeting. In the presentation session, the material was delivered by Prof. Richard E. Ferdig, PhD., MPH., MA, then continued by Prof. Dr. Han Buxin. The presentation of the third material was delivered by Prof. Susan Ledger and the last session the material was delivered by Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd. While in the discussion session, the material was presented by Prof. Dr. Chedthwait Poompipatpong from KMUTNB Thailand and Badrus Sholeh, MA, Ph.D from education and culture attache Riyadh. Author: Riska Editor : Dimas Susan Ledger and the last session the material was delivered by Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd. While in the discussion session, the material was presented by Prof. Dr. Chedthwait Poompipatpong from KMUTNB Thailand and Badrus Sholeh, MA, Ph.D from education and culture attache Riyadh. Author: Riska Editor : Dimas Susan Ledger and the last session the material was delivered by Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd. While in the discussion session, the material was presented by Prof. Dr. Chedthwait Poompipatpong from KMUTNB Thailand and Badrus Sholeh, MA, Ph.D from education and culture attache Riyadh. Author: Riska Editor : Dimas
ICEI 2022 Restores Education and Expands Capabilities by Go International

10 September 2022