ICEI 2022 Restores Education and Expands Capabilities by Go International, SURABAYA- Surabaya State University continues to expand its capacity and capability in going international. Most recently, the “One Step, SURABAYA- Surabaya State University continues to expand its capacity and capability in going international. Most recently, the “One Step, SURABAYA- Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, held a “guest lecture” for 2022 new students collaborating with Korea, SURABAYA- The Faculty of Education looks different from the previous year. Now, students are starting to crowd the department, SURABAYA- The Faculty of Education continues to be committed to creating quality human resources, possessing innovative skills, and being, SURABAYA- Education plays an important role in creating quality human resources with an adaptive and innovative mindset. These changing, SURABAYA- PKKMB Faculty of Education on the last day there was happy and enthusiastic laughter on Friday, August 26,, Surabaya - Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya held a meeting with the chairman and vice chairman of, SURABAYA- The Faculty of Education again held a series of offline PKKMB which took place in four auditorium rooms, SURABAYA- The implementation of the first day of introduction to campus life for new students (PKKMB), which is divided, SURABAYA-1370 new students take part in the introduction of campus life for new students (PKKMB) at the "purple campus"