Hello, citizens of Educational Technology ...The latest news this time we have to say a lot of gratitude to Allah SWT where this is good news Announcement from students who have passed the Abstract Selection of the National Scientific Writing Contest (LKTIN) BORN 6 2021 in the following names :1 . Tinezia Cendani, Title of Work: Development of Flipped Classroom Interactive Multimedia Model for Post-Pandemic Education2. Airiza Dian Luthfiana, Title of Work: Analog Rice Made from Potato Flour (Solanum tuberosum) Modified Heat Moisture Treatment (HMT) With this, we, the whole family at Educational Technology wish you congratulations on passing the selection that has been obtained, hopefully it will remain trustworthy. Thank you Greetings Educational Technology Editor of Public Relations Department
Announcement Letter of Passing Abstract Selection of National Scientific Writing Competition (LKTIN) BORN 6 2021

05 June 2021