Formation of teacher PPPK for S1 Education Technology graduates in the East Java Provincial Government and Surabaya City Government in 2021 Based on the announcement letter from the East Java Provincial Government through the Regional Secretariat Number: 810/3833/204/2021, regarding the Admission of State Civil Apparatus Employees in the Provincial Government East Java for the 2021 Fiscal Year and the Surabaya City Government through the Regional Secretariat number: 810/7333/436.8.3/2021, regarding the Procurement of Candidates for State Civil Apparatus within the Surabaya City Government in 2021. The need for formation for graduates of S1 Educational Technology as educators in formation PPPK (Government Employees with Work Agreements) with the following formation allocations.1. East Java Provincial Government. Animation teacher as many as 23 Formasib. There are 24 Formasic Visual Communication Design teachers. Multimedia teachers as many as 217 Formasid. There are 483 Formasie Teachers of Craft and Entrepreneurship. 20 Formative Television Program Production and Broadcasting Teachers. There are 3 Formasig Film Production Teachers. There are 533 Forasih Arts and Culture teachers. 3 Formation Teachers of Painting 2. Surabaya City Governmenta. As many as 48 Formasib Teachers of Craft and Entrepreneurship. 56 Formation of Arts and Culture Teachers *Academic Qualifications of these formations are based on the Circular of the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Culture number: 1460/B.B1/GT.02.01/2021 concerning Academic Qualifications and Educator Certificates in Registration for Procurement of Government Employees Teachers With the 2021 Work Agreement- 20 Formative Television Program Production and Broadcasting Teachers. There are 3 Formasig Film Production Teachers. There are 533 Forasih Arts and Culture teachers. 3 Formation Teachers of Painting 2. Surabaya City Governmenta. As many as 48 Formasib Teachers of Craft and Entrepreneurship. 56 Formation of Arts and Culture Teachers *Academic Qualifications of these formations are based on the Circular of the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Culture number: 1460/B.B1/GT.02.01/2021 concerning Academic Qualifications and Educator Certificates in Registration for Procurement of Government Employees Teachers With the 2021 Work Agreement- 20 Formative Television Program Production and Broadcasting Teachers. There are 3 Formasig Film Production Teachers. There are 533 Forasih Arts and Culture teachers. 3 Formation Teachers of Painting 2. Surabaya City Governmenta. As many as 48 Formasib Teachers of Craft and Entrepreneurship. 56 Formation of Arts and Culture Teachers *Academic Qualifications of these formations are based on the Circular of the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education and Culture number: 1460/B.B1/GT.02.01/2021 concerning Academic Qualifications and Educator Certificates in Registration for Procurement of Government Employees Teachers With the 2021 Work Agreement-
Formation of teacher PPPK for S1 Education Technology graduates in the East Java Provincial Government and Surabaya City Government in 2021

03 July 2021