Surabaya, HMJ KTP Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia invited a comparative study with HMJKTP, State University of Surabaya. The event was held on March 14, 2022 online via a zoom meeting. The comparative study program was opened by the Master of Ceremony from HMJ KTP UPI at 07.00 in the morning. The event went smoothly. The event was opened with remarks from the Head of the UPI KTP Department, namely Dr. Rudi Susilana as Dean of the Faculty of Education UPI. Then, the event continued with the screening of a profile video and an explanation of the history of Educational Technology, a glimpse of Educational Technology and an overview of Educational Technology, the explanation was delivered by Mr. Dr. Andi Kristanto, M.Pd, MCE. from UNESA and by Mr. Dr. Deni Kurniawan, M.Pd. Entering the core of the event, namely, a comparative study on the performance and work of each HMJ UNESA and UPI, took place with the process of entering the breakout room at the zoom meeting by each division of each HMJ KTP UNESA and UPI. Then each division discussed the work program of each department . This activity lasts for approximately 50 minutes. The comparative study program for this year together with HMJ KTP UPI is very much supported by the chairman of the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology UNESA, because this comparative study program is very helpful for fellow ormawa by sharing experiences or sharing knowledge about the program. work or performance when we run the organization. takes place with the process of entering the breakout room in a zoom meeting by each division of each HMJ KTP UNESA and UPI. Then each division discusses the work program of each department. This activity lasts for approximately 50 minutes. The comparative study program for this year together with HMJ KTP UPI is very much supported by the chairman of the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology UNESA, because this comparative study program is very helpful for fellow ormawa by sharing experiences or sharing knowledge about the program. work or performance when we run the organization. takes place with the process of entering the breakout room in a zoom meeting by each division of each HMJ KTP UNESA and UPI. Then each division discusses the work program of each department. This activity lasts for approximately 50 minutes. The comparative study program for this year together with HMJ KTP UPI is very much supported by the chairman of the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology UNESA, because this comparative study program is very helpful for fellow ormawa by sharing experiences or sharing knowledge about the program. work or performance when we run the organization.
Comparative Study of Educational Technology, Indonesian University of Education and Surabaya State University

15 March 2022