Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–In the field of planning and cooperation, the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the implementation of UNESA Cooperation with the City Government (Pemkot) and Regional Government (Pemda) with the Ministry of Education and Culture team on Tuesday, 20 September 2022 at the Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
The Kemendikbudristek team in question is Yayat Hendayana, SS, M.Sc., Coordinator of General Affairs and Cooperation of the Secretary of Directorate General of Higher Education and Firman Hidayat, SS, M.Sc., Sub-Coordinator of Cooperation of the Directorate General of Higher Education. This activity is carried out in order to strengthen the management of cooperation in relation to the Main Work Indicators (KPI).
This FGD also involved a number of municipal and local governments. Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., said that as a state university that has been present since the beginning to improve the quality of human resources and encourage regional progress, UNESA must continue to strengthen synergies with the city and local governments.
This role can be carried out through the Merdeka Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM) programs that involve students as well as through service programs and lecturers‘ research. "We hope that this collaboration will produce innovations that can be felt by the community. With this collaboration, apart from being able to hold new programs, we can also strengthen existing programs," he explained.
On that occasion, Yayat Hendayana explained that increasing UNESA cooperation in MBKM is in the form of implementing existing campus activities through university MoUs with external parties or with local, city or government agencies.
“This collaboration is certainly not only administrative, but must really be part of strengthening MBKM implementation. UNESA‘s strength is in the MBKM program," he explained.
Firman Hidayat said that related to the verification and validation of KPI 6, it would be easier for universities to collaborate with the city and local governments, given the direct legal basis from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Minister of Education and Culture in 2004. institutions, bureaus, technical service units, program coordinators around UNESA. (Humas Unesa)
Author: Muhammad Haikal
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
UNESA Holds FGD Implementation of Cooperation with City Government and Local Government with the Kemendikbudristek Team

21 September 2022