Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–Teachers play an important role in the progress of a country. Indonesia now needs qualified teachers to be ready to build the country and ready to welcome the golden Indonesia 2045. As part of preparing qualified and professional teachers, the Directorate General of Teachers and Education Personnel (Ditjen GTK), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) open registration for PPG Pre-Office 2022.
PPG Pre-service wave 2 in 2022 opens 18 study programs (prodi) namely Indonesian, English, Biology, Economics, Physics, Science, Social Sciences, Chemistry, MTK, PGSD, Physical Education, PLB, Civics, History, Geography, Sociology, BK , and Cultural Arts. In addition, this year‘s PPG Pre-service students will receive Scholarships in the form of Tuition Fees for 2 (two) semesters per 1 (one) year. One of the requirements for applicants is a graduate of S1 or D-IV who has not been registered in the Principal Data of Educators (Dapodik) and Simpatika.
Those who successfully pass the PPG Pre-service will later get an educator certificate as a sign of competence that has been recognized as a qualified teacher and is ready to build the nation. The requirements for registration of PPG Pre-Office 2022 are; Indonesian citizen Not registered as a teacher/principal at Dapodik Have an S-1 or D-4 diploma registered with PD-Dikti or recorded on the database of overseas diploma equivalency data units. Minimum GPA 3.00 Maximum age 32 years old on December 31, the year of registration Have a decree of physical and mental health Have a decree of good behavior Have a decree free of drugs, psychotropics, and other addictive substances Signing an integrity pact Follow the selection stage For participants who are interested in registering in this pathway can pay attention to the following important dates;
To ensure the schedule and follow the progress of participant information, you can visit the http://ppg.kemdikbud.go.id page. In addition, for the registration link, please go directly to the https://ppg-prajab.simpkb.id/pendaftaran page.
Source: Kemendikbudristek
PPG Pre-service Registration 2022 Until September 26, Opened 18 Study Programs

23 September 2022