Unesa.ac.id, GRESIK–The leadership of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) conducted monitoring and evaluation (monev) of the school field introduction program or PLP at UPT SMP Negeri 8 Gresik, on Monday, September 26, 2022.
The leader in question was the UNESA Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., Head of the UNESA MBKM Unit, Dr. M. Sholeh, M.Pd., Head of the Field Practice Division, Dr. Nanik Indahwati, M.Pd., and their staff.
Cak Hasan in his speech said that PLP is part of the MBKM program that must be carried out by students of education study programs. In this program, students can understand how the situation in the school and classroom where they will teach will be.
"In theory I believe I know a lot. That‘s new knowledge and understanding, not to the ability of skills. Now, with this PLP, students learn to practice teaching, overcome learning problems and so on. So that later when I become a teacher, I can immediately show my abilities,” he said.
Meanwhile, Dr. M. Sholeh, M.Pd., explained that this monev aims to find out the program that has been going on for two months. This program is running in various regions in East Java and even abroad. "This is to ensure this program goes according to plan and expectations," he said.
In addition, so that leaders also know that PLP is running as planned, including ensuring that students are well received by the school and ensuring students can adapt to get real experience in the school environment.
“The head of the faculty in this case is the deputy dean 1 who has carried out monev in several locations in various districts. Monev begins after students have been in the field for two months, namely in September the 3rd and 4th weeks (this week),” he explained.
"After this monev activity is carried out, of course we will carry out internal coordination regarding input from the Chancellor and the situation on the ground, because this input is very meaningful as PLP feedback going forward," he added.
Dr. Nanik Indahwati conveyed that the program which accumulated 20 credits was very helpful for students in developing the ability to plan and carry out learning optimally because in the previous year it was only equivalent to 4 credits.
"The placement of PLP students certainly sees the situation and conditions needed by schools, and usually an average of 5 subjects per school, so that with this PLP students can take real action in the world of education," he explained.
The activity which was attended by the leadership was held on two days at different schools, namely UPT SMPN 8 Gresik and SMAN 1 Lamongan which was planned to be held on Tuesday, 27 September 2022. [UNESA PR.]
Author: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
PLP Program Monev Leader in Gresik and Lamongan
27 September 2022