Unesa.ac.id, NGAWI-There are a number of ways that universities can do in grounding and internalizing the values of Pancasila to the younger generation in the village. One of them could be with the Pancasila Camp as was done by a team of lecturers from the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) in Rejuno Village, Ngawi Regency some time ago.
This activity is a collaboration between UNESA and the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) of the Republic of Indonesia, which involves dozens of young people and village officials, facilitated by cadres of the Anti-Intolerance and Radicalism Community (Kanira).
The Head of Rejuno Village, Senung Budiarto said that the presence of the UNESA team was the answer to the village‘s needs, especially the embedding of Rejuno Village as a Pancasila Village. He wants it not only to be embedded, but also to be strengthened by activities that are indeed filled with Pancasila.
“This Pancasila village must truly characterize the values of Pancasila. In fact, we hope that our village can become a model for the future. This is a joint task which of course cannot be separated from the support of UNESA friends through this camp activity, for example, "he said.
The head of the activity organizer, Iman Pasu Purba, said that the focus of the camp was on strengthening the values of tolerance and diversity specifically and deepening the profile of the Pancasila community which was adopted from the profile of Pancasila students.
This kind of activity is important to do, considering the increasingly alarming condition of the nation, starting from horizontal conflicts in the name of religion, rampant corruption, hate speech, hoaxes, poverty, legal mafia, to the practice of identity politics, and much more.
"The activities are packaged attractively through studies on faith and piety to God Almighty, global diversity, mutual cooperation, creativity, critical reasoning and independence," he concluded.
Meanwhile, the person in charge of the Pancasila Camp, Bambang Sigit Widodo, said that religion is often the most sensitive issue and effectively creates divisions. Acts of intolerance and togetherness can be cut off because of religious issues. "This Pancasila camp is expected to be able to provide answers and offers for youth to actualize and habituate Pancasila values," he said.
Deputy Regent of Ngawi, Dwi Rianto Jatmiko in his speech emphasized that Pancasila is a very fundamental need. The values of Pancasila are noble values that have existed since the days of the kingdoms of the archipelago.
“Rejuno Village still has strong mutual cooperation and family values. The tradition of splice and helping each other must continue to grow as its trademark. The Ngawi Regency Government views it as good if Unesa continues to follow up on the cooperation that has been started," he said. [HUMAS UNESA]
Author: UNESA Pancasila Camp Team
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of the Pancasila Camp Implementation Team
Synergy between the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture and UNESA Holds Pancasila Camp and Targets the Young Generation of Villages

28 September 2022