Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA – Communication Studies Program (Prodi Ikom), State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a guest lecture with Indriani Siswati, SH, M.Sc., AMIPR from External Relations PT Bumi Suksesindo and M. Fadeli from the Deputy Head of BPC Perhumas Surabaya on Friday, September 23, 2022 at the Ketintang Campus, Surabaya.
The topic of discussion was "The Imagine Job, Getting To Know The Public Relations". As the saying goes, if you don‘t know, you don‘t love, this activity aims to introduce (closer) and increase students‘ knowledge so that they can understand the duties and roles of public relations.
Deputy Dean II for General Affairs and Finance of FISH, Indah Prabawati S.Ap., M.Ap representing the dean said that the guest lecture was a golden opportunity to broaden students‘ knowledge of public relations, especially for Communication Studies students.
"Hopefully this guest lecture will bring a lot of fresh air to students about the world of public relations," he hoped.
Indriani Siswati explained that a public relations or PR must have high charm including good performance. In addition, they must be able to see the crisis correctly so that they are able to find the right solution.
There are a number of skills that PR should at least have, including communication skills. This is important because the task is related to building internal, cross-institutional relationships with the public.
Then understand social media as part of the means of publication and build the image of the institution. In addition, the ability to think critically in seeing problems. “PR must remain calm in the midst of a crisis. Have a critical mind and a solution,” he added.
A similar statement was made by M. Fadeli. Adaptation, he said, is an important keyword for a PR. In addition, good at collaborating both internally and externally. Well, this also includes maintaining good relations with the media or the Indonesian Public Relations Association (Perhumas) to connect different backgrounds, so that they can move forward together.
“Consumers are increasingly critical, public relations must be smart and able to deal with it. This is something that all students should pay attention to,” he said.
The speaker‘s presentation made the students enthusiastic, “I am very happy, because I got new things about public relations that I didn‘t know before. Especially delivered by practitioners who have worked directly in the field of public relations,” said Rosa, one of the participants who took part in the activity. []
Bring Practitioners, UNESA Ikom Holds Public Relations Guest Lecture

23 September 2022