Surabaya, the Student Association of Educational Technology and Curriculum Department (HMJ KTP) UNESA held a national webinar with the webinar theme "Technology 4.0 and Society 5.0: How Technology Create Development for Education" on Saturday, May 21, 2022 online. This activity was held in commemoration of National Education Day. This event was attended by ±212 participants, both from students and even teachers spread across Indonesia. Before this event started, Jundu Muhammad, as the head of the Student Association of the Department of Curriculum and Educational Technology (HMJ KTP) UNESA expressed his aspirations that he eager to expand the wings of Educational Technology to become one of the things that should be developed. So therefore, This webinar is held to expand the wings of educational technology and spread the importance of using technology and educational technology graduates to develop our education. The opening activity was handed over to Prof. Dr. H. Nurhasan, M. Kes, as the Chancellor of the State University of Surabaya. HMJ KTP UNESA collaborated with two extraordinary speakers to fill this event, namely, Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP who is the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture and Dr. H. Zulkieflimansyah, SE, M.Sc. who is the Governor of West Nusa Tenggara Province. The event was continued by the moderator with the presentation of the first speaker, namely Dr. Andi Kristanto S.Pd., M.Pd., the head of the department as the representative of Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, MAP who was unable to attend to deliver material on this occasion. "We should not be allergic to change, because change is a necessity," said Mr. Andi Kristanto in his presentation of E-learning material. This topic was then continued by Dr. H. Zulkieflimansyah, SE, M.Sc as the second speaker in this event. The material delivery and question and answer session went smoothly and actively even though there were presenters who were unable to attend. The webinar, which was held from 08.30 to 11.00 WIB, took place solemnly and enthusiastically by participants from various regions in Indonesia. Novia, Rania. The material delivery and question and answer session went smoothly and actively even though there were presenters who were unable to attend. The webinar, which was held from 08.30 to 11.00 WIB, took place solemnly and enthusiastically by participants from various regions in Indonesia. Novia, Rania. The material delivery and question and answer session went smoothly and actively even though there were presenters who were unable to attend. The webinar, which was held from 08.30 to 11.00 WIB, took place solemnly and enthusiastically by participants from various regions in Indonesia. Novia, Rania.
2022 National Education Webinar About Technology 4.0 and Society 5.0: How Technology Create Development for Education

22 May 2022