17 September 2022

Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA – Center for Literacy Studies, Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held an online workshop with the theme "Character, Literacy, and Numeration" on Saturday, September 17, 2022.
Focusing on literacy and numeracy in science and social studies, the discussion brought speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Drs. Muslimin Ibrahim, BA., M.Pd, Professor (retired) UNESA, Prof. Dr. Jun Surjanti, SE, M.Sc., Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business UNESA, and Titien Harfuthien, S.Pd., Teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Gresik.
Chief executive, Dr. Susanti, S.Pd., M.Si. explained that this activity was attended by around 502 participants. This national workshop, he continued, was held in a series and this was the third time this year.
The topic raised is the realization of the program of the Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel (Ditjen GTK) of the Ministry of Education and Culture. "In addition to being a hot topic, we also dedicate this discussion to a former UNESA professor, namely Prof. Muslimin Ibrahim," he added.
Prof. Dr. Darni, M.Hum., Head of LPPM said that as a state university that excels in the field of education, UNESA needs to be at the forefront of responding to education policies in Indonesia such as the independent curriculum.
"So that the implementation of this new curriculum can shape the character of Pancasila students for the future of superior public education," he said.
Prof. Muslimin Ibrahim in his presentation said that curriculum changes were based on various factors, including the level of student literacy skills. "One of the tests of scientific understanding in Indonesia is known as the scholastic test by testing language literacy skills and understanding mathematical logic," he explained.
"Starting from basic changes, we can see many facts, such as the abolition of subject tests that are replaced with scientific material," he added.
Meanwhile, Prof. Jun Surjanti explained that in strengthening character according to the independent curriculum, the role of teachers can focus on equality education in the form of empowerment projects and skills based on the Pancasila student profile.
"All learning regardless of the material must be holistic, contextual, student-centered, and explorative," he explained.
In strengthening numeracy literacy for junior high school students, Titien Harfuthien highlighted the importance of practicing reading tables or graphs in addition to literacy habits by reading to improve a student‘s mathematical logic skills. “We need a suitable method in the development. This can have an effect on developing communication skills and imagination,” he explained.
In addition to the national workshop, LPPM UNESA also held several competitions including a writing competition for AKM equivalent questions for teachers, lecturers, and students, as well as a 750 word writing competition in 2022 for SD/MI and SMP/MTs levels which were opened after the workshop ended. [UNESA PR.].
Author: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*