Learning Assessment
Course infomation

Study of the basic concepts and principles of assessing learning processes and outcomes, program assessment models, development of various evaluation tools and empirical testing of the quality of evaluation tools, and preparation of plans, implementation, processing and reporting of learning evaluations.
- a. Kaplan, Robert M., & Saccuzzo, Danis P. (2018).Psychological Testing, Principles, applications, and issues, 9th. Boston: Cengage Learning.
- b. Reynolds, Cecil R., Livingston, Ronald B., & Willson, V. (2010).Measurement and Assessment in Education.London: Pearson Education, Inc.
- c. Miller, M.D, Linn, R. L., Gronlund, NE. (2009). Measurement and assessment in teaching. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
- d. Anderson, Lorin W. (2003). Classroom assessment, enhancing the quality of teacher decision making. Marwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
- e. Thorndike, Thorndike-Christ (2014).Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education. 8th. London: Pearson Education Limited.
- f. Anderson, O.W. dan Krathwohl, D. R. (2001).A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing.New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.