Hindu Religious Education
Course infomation
1. Be devoted to God Almighty and be able to show a religious attitude (S.1);2. Upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics (S.2); 3. Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics (S.8);4. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise (KU.1);5. Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance (KU.2);6. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems in their area of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis (KU.5);7. Able to implement the principle of sustainability (sustainability) in developing knowledge (KU.11).
- Pustaka utama : Tim Penyusun, 201
- Pendidikan Agama Hindu Untuk Perguruan Tinggi, Jakarta: RISTEKDIKTI. Pustaka Penunjang : 1 Wiana,. 199
- Bagaimana Hindu Menghayati Tuhan, . Manikgeni .
- Wiana, .198
- Niti Sastra , Ditjen Hindu dan Budha.
- Atmaja, 197
- Panca Sradha, . PHDI Pusat .
- Titib, 199
- Veda Sabda Suci Pedoman Praktis Kehidupan , Paramita
- Pudja, 1997, Teologi Hindu , Mayasari
- Pudja, 19
- Sarasamuscaya , Mayasari.
- Maswinara, 199
- Bhagawad Gita , Paramita.
- Koentjaraningrat, .197
- Manusia dan Kebudayaan Indonesia , Gramedia.
- Sudharta, 198
- Manawa Dharma Sastra, Hanuman Sakti. BK.
- Etika dan Kepribadian BK.
- Nilai-nilai Kebangsaan