Course infomation
  • Program Studi:
  • Kelas:
  • Start on:
    1 September 2022
  • Finish on:
    15 Desember 2022
  • Sessions:
    16 Sessions
  • Semester:
    2022/2023 Gasal
  • Location:
    Gedung O5 Kampus Lidah Wetan

1. Be devoted to God Almighty and be able to show a religious attitude (S.1);2. Upholding human values ​​in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics (S.2); 3. Internalizing academic values, norms, and ethics (S.8);4. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values ​​in accordance with their field of expertise (KU.1);5. Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance (KU.2);6. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems in their area of ​​expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis (KU.5);7. Able to implement the principle of sustainability (sustainability) in developing knowledge (KU.11).

  • Pustaka utama : Tim Penyusun, 201
  • Pendidikan Agama Hindu Untuk Perguruan Tinggi, Jakarta: RISTEKDIKTI. Pustaka Penunjang : 1 Wiana,. 199
  • Bagaimana Hindu Menghayati Tuhan, . Manikgeni .
  • Wiana, .198
  • Niti Sastra , Ditjen Hindu dan Budha.
  • Atmaja, 197
  • Panca Sradha, . PHDI Pusat .
  • Titib, 199
  • Veda Sabda Suci Pedoman Praktis Kehidupan , Paramita
  • Pudja, 1997, Teologi Hindu , Mayasari
  • Pudja, 19
  • Sarasamuscaya , Mayasari.
  • Maswinara, 199
  • Bhagawad Gita , Paramita.
  • Koentjaraningrat, .197
  • Manusia dan Kebudayaan Indonesia , Gramedia.
  • Sudharta, 198
  • Manawa Dharma Sastra, Hanuman Sakti. BK.
  • Etika dan Kepribadian BK.
  • Nilai-nilai Kebangsaan

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