Performance Technology
Course infomation
This course discusses the planning, management, and evaluation of education and training in order to improve performance based on the knowledge of Educational Technology through collaborative learning. Lectures are carried out by means of blended learning. Assessment is done by question and answer and in writing.
- Arianto, Fajar, dkk (2020) Handout Teknologi Kinerja Surabaya: Teknologi Pendidikan FIP Unesa
- Payne, David A (2000) Designing Educational Project and Program Evaluation : A Practical Overview Based On Research And Experience Springer; USA
- Song, Holim dan terry Kidd (2010) Handbook of Research on Human Performance and Instructional Technology Information Science Reference; USA
- Wilmont, F S, Prigmore, C, & Bray, M (2010) HTP Models: an Overview of the Major Models in the Field Performance Improvement, 41 (8), 14-22