2D and 3D Animation
Course infomation

This course discusses the techniques and procedures for presenting 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional animation for computers that can be utilized in the development of computer media for mass and individual learning purposes through collaborative learning. Lectures are carried out by means of blended learning. Assessment is done by question and answer and in writing.
- Herliyani, Elly (2014) Animasi Dua Dimensi Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu
- Ruslan, Arief (2016) Animasi: Perkembangan dan Konsepnya Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia
- Sumarno, Alim, dkk (2020) Handout Animasi 2 Dimensi dan 3 Dimensi Surabaya: Teknologi Pendidikan FIP Unesa