Course infomation
  • Program Studi:
    S1 Teknologi Pendidikan
  • Kelas:
    2021A, 2021B
  • Start on:
    1 September 2021
  • Finish on:
    15 Desember 2021
  • Sessions:
    16 Sessions
  • Semester:
    2021/2022 Gasal
  • Location:
    Gedung O5 Kampus Lidah Wetan

This course discusses the purpose, function and role of communication in the life of forms of communication, the elements and models of the communication process, the relationship between the elements of communication and the learning process through collaborative learning. Lectures are carried out by means of blended learning. Assessment is done by question and answer and in writing.

  • Arianto, Fajar, dkk (2020) Handout Komunikasi Pembelajaran Surabaya: Teknologi Pendidikan FIP Unesa
  • Cangara (2011) Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi Rajawali Pers
  • Mulyana, Deddy (2010) Ilmu Komunikasi: Suatu Pengantar Bandung: Remaja Rosadakarya
  • Suranto, AW (2010) Komunikasi Interpersonal Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu
  • Widjaja HAW (2010) Ilmu Komunikasi Pengantar Studi Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta
  • Yusuf, Pawit M (2010) Komunikasi Instruksional Teori dan Praktik Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara

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