Course infomation
  • Program Studi:
    S1 Teknologi Pendidikan
  • Kelas:
    2020A, 2020B
  • Start on:
    1 September 2021
  • Finish on:
    15 Desember 2021
  • Sessions:
    16 Sessions
  • Semester:
    2021/2022 Gasal
  • Location:
    Gedung O5 Kampus Lidah Wetan

This course discusses the definition, characteristics, classification of audio media, audio program formats, organization of production personnel, introduction and use of recording studios and their equipment, the steps for preparing a design which includes determining ideas, formulating goals, formulating main material, developing treatment, writing scripts and audio media production and broadcasting for learning purposes through scientific learning. Lectures are held by means of blended learning. Assessment is done by way of question and answer and written.

  • Abril, C (2011) Music, movement, and learning In MENC Handbook of Research on Music Learning: Applications
  • Edward, George (2010) The Program Side of Radio Jakarta: Yayasan Penerbit UI
  • Hallam, S, Cross, I, & Thaut, M (Eds) (2011) Oxford handbook of music psychology Oxford University Press
  • Hand, R J, & Traynor, M (2011) The radio drama handbook: Audio drama in context and practice A&C Black
  • Mahadevan, A, Freeman, J, Magerko, B, & Martinez, J C (2015) EarSketch: Teaching computational music remixing in an online Web Audio based learning environment In Web Audio Conference
  • Morissan (2010) Manajemen Media Penyiaran Strategi Mengelola Radio dan Televisi Jakarta: Prenada Media
  • Prayudha H Harley & Andy Rustam (2013) Radio Is Sound Only, Pengantar dan Prinsip Penyiaran Radio di Era Digital Jakarta: Broadcast Maga Publisher
  • Romli, Asep Syamsul M (2010) Dasar-Dasar Siaran Radio: Basic Announcing Bandung: Nuansa Bandung
  • Smaldino, S E, Lowther, D L, Russell, J D, & Mims, C (2008) Instructional technology and media for learning Boston: Pearson Education, Inc
  • Sulistiowati, dkk (2020) Handout Pengembangan media audio/radio Surabaya: Teknologi Pendidikan, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Unesa
  • Terrace, Vincet (2011) Radio Program Opening and Closing London: McFarland & Company, Inc
  • Triartanto, A Yudo (2010) Broadcasting Radio Teori dan Praktek Yogyakarta: Pustaka Book Publisher

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