Course infomation

This course examines; (1) basic concepts of learning, learning principles, and characteristics of learning theory, (2 learning using behavioristic, cognitivist, and constructivist learning theory approaches, and (3) characteristics of students through other learning methods and strategies that can effectively facilitate learning outcomes through collaborative learning model.
- Arends, R, 2007 Learning to Teach New York: Mc Graw HillHargenhaan BR & Olson MH (1997) An Introduction to Therities of Learning New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International, Inc
- Hossoubah, Z (2004) Develoving Creative and Critical Thinking Skills, terjemahan Bandung: Yayasan Nuansa Cendia
- Januszewski, A and Molenda (2008) Educational Technology: A Definition With Commentary AECT
- Mustaji (2014) Teori Pembelajaran: Bahan Pelatihan AA-Pekerti Bagi Dosen Unesa dan Kopertis Wilayah VII Surabaya: FIP Unesa