Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran
Course infomation

Mengkaji tentang konsep dan prinsip berlajar dan berbagai teori belajar antara lain; humanistic, behavioristik, kognitivistik, teori belajar sosial, dan kecerdasan majemuk
- Dai, David Yun dan Robert J Sternberg (2004) Motivation , emotion, and cognition : integrative perspectives on intellectual development and functioning New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
- Haskell, Robert E (2000) Transfer of Learning: Cognition, Instruction,and Reasoning USA: Academic Press
- Santrock, John W (2011) Educational Psychology Ed
- Schunk, Dale H (2012) Learning theories : an educational perspectiv Ed
- Slavin, Robert E (2006) Educational Psychology: theory and practice USA: Pearson Education
- Sternberg, Robert J and Karin Sternberg (2012) Cognitive Psychology Ed