29 June 2023

In order to encourage innovation and development of educational technology, the S1 Educational Technology Study Program, Faculty of Education from Surabaya State University (UNESA) is proud to announce the holding of an International Educational Technology Competition which will be held on May 31, 2023. This competition aims to gather creativity the best from professionals, academics, and students in creating innovative and effective educational technology works.This competition will be held at the UNESA FIP campus and is expected to become an interactive platform that brings together participants from various countries to show their original work in the field of educational technology. This competition will involve competition teams consisting of three to five members who will compete in several stages of evaluation. The participants will be challenged to show their creativity in the field of photography and learning media.The jury will consist of UNESA educational technology and educational innovation experts. They will evaluate and select the best work based on its attractiveness, depth of meaning, and potential impact on learning. The winners will receive attractive prizes, including cash awards, and certificates.Dr. Utari Dewi, S.Sn., M.Pd, Coordinator of the Educational Technology Study Program at FIP UNESA, stated, "This competition is a step forward in promoting technological creativity in education. We are very enthusiastic to see innovative and creative works from the participants, and hope to be able to contribute in presenting original works of educational technology in the digital era."Registration for this competition will be open starting May 18, 2023. Further information about requirements and registration procedures can be found on the official website of the UNESA FIP Educational Technology Study Program. The International Educational Technology Competition at the UNESA FIP Educational Technology Study Program is expected to be the first step in building a global collaborative network to advance educational technology and improve the quality of learning around the world.