Unesa.ac.id, JAKARTA - The Crisis Center Mitigation Unit (SMCC), State University of Surabaya (UNESA) is involved in the 2022 Jakarta Innovation Days (JID) organized by the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda), Province of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta on 27-28 September 2022 at City Hall, Jakarta.
This activity aims to introduce the innovation results of the City of Jakarta created from the pentahelix collaboration and collaboration between the government, private sector, academia, community and society (individuals). "SMCC received an invitation to be involved as a participant in Jakarta Innovation Days," said the Chairman of SMCC, Dr. Diana Rahmasari, S.Psi., M.Sc.
He added that in this event, UNESA exhibited various innovations with around 20 other institutions such as Mizan, UNDP Indonesia, BBC Media Action, Human Initiative and RCCE Indonesia. "This event has the theme ‘Together with Innovation‘ which opens up opportunities for collaboration to develop innovations that are displayed by the institutions involved," he explained.
The event was attended by the Governor of DKI Anies Baswedan. The number one person in DKI Jakarta visited the UNESA SMCC booth. Anies said that this activity was an opportunity for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government to share experiences with collaborators and participants, including SMCC. Vice versa.
“This innovation exhibition is a vehicle for exchanging ideas and ideas as well as experiences in developing their respective regions. According to the theme, this is not just a show of innovation but the follow-up in the form of strengthening synergies and collaborations to produce better and beneficial innovations for the community and the progress of their respective regions," he said.
Head of DKI Jakarta Bappeda, Atika Nur Rahmania, said that the Jakarta Innovation Days were held as an event to open people‘s knowledge and awareness about the importance of implementing an innovative and collaborative culture in everyday life.
“This activity is organized into three series of events. There are openings and exhibitions, sharing sessions for three topics about mobility, digital, and the third city space, site visits to several innovation projects in Jakarta," he concluded. In this exhibition, all ranks of SMCC were present to introduce innovation to other institutions and participants. [HUMAS UNESA]
Photo: SMCC Team‘s personal documentation
Become a JID 2022 Participant, the Governor of DKI Jakarta Visits the SMCC Booth

29 September 2022