Unesa.ac.id, PASURUAN- Cases of violence and bullying, especially in the educational environment, are in the public spotlight. The reason, this case continues to happen and ‘eat‘ many victims. Therefore, various parties must ‘intervene‘, including universities, to take preventive measures in schools.
Departing from that, the PAUD PG department team, Faculty of Education (FIP), Surabaya State University (UNESA) provided PAUD teachers with the "Anti-Bullying Training Program" in Pasuruan, early August 2022.
The chief executive, Wulan Patria Saroinsong, S.Psi., M.Pd., Ph.D., said that the school, in this case the principal and teachers, must have a special program in their respective schools to prevent bullying cases. Well, this program must be gradual, the goal is to increase children‘s awareness so that they can accept each other, support each other and not hate each other and so on.
He added that this kind of awareness must be built from an early age through interesting and sustainable programs. "Well, that‘s why we invite these teachers to learn how to create an anti-bullying program at school to increase children‘s awareness so they don‘t get bullied and so on," he explained.
This training, he continued, involved several lecturers as trainers who certainly had experience and expertise in their respective fields. They were Nurul Khotimah, S.Pd., M.Pd who provided the participants with material about the definition, types, factors and impacts of bullying.
Also there is Dr. Ajeng Putri Pratiwi, S.Pd., M.Pd., who brought material about solutions or strategies for approaching children who are perpetrators or victims of bullying, including how to overcome them.
Wulan Patria Saroinsong continued, this training aims to increase the knowledge of PAUD teachers about bullying behavior, how the impact is received by the perpetrators and victims of bullying, as well as solutions that can be done to the perpetrators and victims of bullying.
The most important thing, he added, is how teachers are able to make prevention efforts. This means that teachers or schools do not only have the ability to act to solve problems when bullying cases occur. However, teachers or schools are able to take preventive measures so that unwanted things do not happen.
“It is this school environment that we need to build together with an atmosphere of togetherness, mutual respect for each other, accepting differences as the colors of life, empathizing with each other and so on. Children must be taught and instilled these values from an early age,” he said.
In addition to training, the PG PAUD UNESA team also collaborates with IGTK in Pasuruan Regency with the aim of collaborating in the implementation of community service programs including improving the quality of teachers and so on in a sustainable manner in the future. [HUMAS UNESA]
Author: PG PAUD PKM Team
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: PG PAUD PKM Team Documentation
Anti-Bullying Training Program in Schools in the style of the PG PAUD UNESA Team

19 September 2022