Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA – Experts from the State Invitation Council (ADUN) of Kedah Malaysia visited the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) on Tuesday, 27 September 2022. The meeting of the two parties was packaged in the form of a focus group discussion or FGD in the Auditorium, 11th Floor, Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
This meeting carries the theme "Sustainable Ecotourism to Enhance Malaysia-Surabaya Industry in Postpandemic Recovery". The resource person is Dra. Susiati, MM, as Head of Disbudpar East Java Provincial Government, Mahendra Widyartono, ST, MT, as UNESA Vocational Lecturer.
Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation delivered the rector‘s remarks. He said, in addition to improving academic quality, UNESA also established many collaborations in various sectors both at home and abroad to maximize MBKM.
"In this case, UNESA is ready to cooperate with ADUN Kedah, Malaysia and will continue to intensify various innovations such as supporting tourism management and renewable energy for the long-term development of each institution," he said.
Minister of Kedah, Malaysia, Dato‘ Seri Haji Muhammad Sanusi bin Md. Nor said that this visit was aimed at digging up information related to innovation, especially in the field of tourism and renewable technology. "From this visit, I realized that renewable technology needs to be activated because it is still minimally used," he added.
He also said that UNESA is a reference because in addition to being one of the best universities in Surabaya, it can exchange information and collaboration between Kedah, Malaysia and East Java, Indonesia as a whole.
Susiati in her presentation said that the movement of foreign tourists in January-June 2022 in East Java was around 26,200, an increase of 4.06% compared to the same period last year. He also mentioned that in 2022, tourism potential will begin to rise after the pandemic period gradually since 2021.
"Of course there is a need for factors that influence the visit, such as the promos offered and tourist preferences based on the origin of the products offered," he added.
Meanwhile, Mahendra Widyartono in his explanation explained that innovation needs to be improved in a sustainable life that is linear with the activity theme, namely renewable energy. According to him, this innovation can involve natural phenomena that can be found around.
"The innovation that we are discussing is one option to prevent climate change, because it uses energy that will not run out and does not damage the environment when it is distributed," he said.
The Head of the UNESA International Affairs Office (KUI), Asrori, SS, M.Pd., explained that in addition to the FGD, it was also coupled with the signing of the MoU on cooperation between UNESA and Universiti Geomatika Malaysia.
“This collaboration covers the fields of research and student and lecturer programs. It is hoped that this collaboration will certainly encourage new innovations both at UNESA and UGM," he said. This activity was attended by the ranks of leaders, deans, directors and heads of institutions as well as vocational ranks and a number of lecturers. [HUMAS UNESA]
Author: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
ADUN Malaysia Visits UNESA and Signs MoU on Cooperation

27 September 2022