Surabaya, Unesa Education Technology Lecturer performs community service in several Banyuwangi Vocational Schools. This activity is carried out as an obligation of the Tri Darma Lecturer of State Universities. Last Saturday (16/7) this activity started offline and continued online. This activity applies a blended learning system and is still ongoing today. The vocational schools targeted for this service are SMK 1 and 2 Muhammadiyah Genteng, Banyuwangi. In this activity, all Unesa Education Technology lecturers were involved in delivering material. In this activity, Unesa Education Technology lecturers carried out learning evaluation activities, compiled teaching modules, and other matters related to the Merdeka Learning curriculum. Besides that, the lecturers also made other contributions, namely in the form of learning books by Unesa Education Technology lecturers to the two schools so that they could be utilized and used in learning. With the implementation of this activity, it is hoped that it can slightly improve the quality of education, performance, and learning in Indonesia in the future. Alifiyah, Raniah.
Community Service by Unesa Educational Technology Lecturer

22 July 2022